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Perhaps you were looking for one of these?
- AA Ann Arbor
- AACX State of Alaska, Division of Agriculture
- AAIX Acs International Inc
- AAMX ACFA Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril S.A.
- AAR Association of American Railroads
- AARX Association of American Railroads
- AB Akron and Barberton Cluster Railway Company
- ABA Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad Company
- ABB Akron and Barberton Belt Railroad Company
- ABC Atlanta Birmingham & Coast
- ABCX Alabama Byproducts Corporation
- ABEX Advanced BioEnergy
- ABFZ Arkansas Best Freight
- ABL Alameda Belt Line
- ABLX American Refrigerator Transit Co
- ABOX TTX Company
- ABP Aberdeen & Briar Patch
- ABRX AB Rail Investments Incorporated
- ABS Alabama Southern Railroad
- ABWX Asea Brown Boveri Incorporated
- ABYX Albany Recycling Services, Inc.
- AC Algoma Central
- ACAX Honeywell International Incorporated
- ACBX American Cast Iron Pipe Company
- ACCU Aboitiz Shipping Corp
- ACCX Consolidation Coal Company
- ACDX Honeywell International Incorporated
- ACEX Altamont Commuter Express
- ACFX General Electric Rail Services
- ACHD Atlantic City Harley Davidson
- ACIS Algoma Central Railway Incorporated
- ACIX Great Lakes Chemical Corporation
- ACJ Ashtabula, Carson & Jefferson Scenic
- ACJR Ashtabula Carson Jefferson Railroad Company
- ACL Atlantic Coast Line
- ACLU Atlantic Container Line Limited
- ACLX American Car Line Company
- ACLZ Atlantic Container Line Ab
- ACMX Voith Hydro Incorporated
- ACPX Union Tank Car Company
- ACPZ American Concrete Products Company
- ACRC Andalusia & Conecuh
- ACRX Elementis Chromium LP
- ACSX Honeywell International Incorporated
- ACSZ American Carrier Equipment
- ACTC Atlantic City Transit Company
- ACTS ACTS - Holland