This shows a variation on the Model RS-11 design, also known as the Specification DL-701. The fuel tank has been turned transversly (90 degrees from the usual), as have the air tanks. Dynamic brakes were located in the short hood (the vents are on the other side). The DW&P RS11's were also equipped with a lightweight version of the standard swing bolster truck, which eliminated the elliptical springs. This unique truck was originated by Canadian supplier DOFASCO.
This shows a variation on the Model RS-11 design, also known as the Specification DL-701. The fuel tank has been turned transversly (90 degrees from the usual), as have toe air tanks. Dynamic brakes were located in the short hood (the vents are on the other side). The DW&P RS11's were also equipped with a lightweight version of the standard swing bolster truck, which eliminated the elliptical springs. This unique truck was originated by Canadian supplier DOFASCO.
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