Owner: | Union Pacific Railroad Company |
Type: | Flat Car |
AAR Class: | LF: Flat car equipped to handle one or more demountable containers for the transportation of commodities not under refrigeration. |
AAR Type: | L008 |
Detail Info: | Special Type Cars, Inside Length: over 59ft 8in |
Plate: | C |
Max Gross Weight: | 263000 |
Load Limit: | 186400 |
Ext L/W/H: | 90' 2" / 9' 8" / 4' 7" |
Int L/W/H: | 85' 0" / 8' 9" / 0' 0" |
User Notes: | Outside Length 090 ft 02 in Outside Extreme Height 04 ft 07 in Outside Extreme Width 09 ft 08 in Max Weight on Rail 263000 lbs Tare Weight 076600 lbs Load Limit 186400 lbs |