CRI&P 28 seat chair-27 seat parlor observation #454 MINNESOTA (Budd, Lot #972, September 1937), built as 28 seat chair-club-24 seat parlor observation, changed in 1948 to 16 seat forward parlor-club-20 seat rear parlor observation, changed again in 1953 to 28 seat chair-club-20 seat parlor observation, changed a third time in 1957, with removal of the club, and parlor seating increased to 27, modified in 1965 to IBM instruction car, still as #454 but with the name removed, retired later that year and sold to Landlow Warehouse (South Bend, IN), resold in 1988 to a restaurant in Elkhart, IN, now at the National New York Central RR Museum in Elkhart. Scanned with an Epson V550 from a duplicate Ektachrome 35mm slide. Date, location, and photographer are unknown. |