Several trips had to be made.  Contributor's Pick!       
In the early Conrail days, the company offered 10 grand to the person whose suggestion would be implemented. The winner suggested filling tires for these machines with foam to keep them from blowing out as they crossed the tracks.
Date: 6/12/2012 Location: Akron, OH   Map Show Akron on a rail map Views: 232 Collection Of:   Fred Stuckmann
Author:  Fred Stuckmann
Several trips had to be made.
Picture Categories: Action This picture is part of album:  More CSX National Gateway in Akron.
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Geneva Short General That's very interesting! Who knew? They're FOAMERS! 6/14/2012 1:16:00 AM
Olaf Junges General Sorry, I don`t know, but with this kind of pictures I get a crisis. Bad professional experience. 6/20/2012 10:13:21 AM
Fred Stuckmann General Yes sir, thanks. 6/20/2012 5:50:30 PM

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