BRAN Stack Car 6297         
Date: 10/10/2012 Location: Palmetto, GA   Map Show Palmetto on a rail map Views: 285 Collection Of:   Terrence Ellison Jr.
Rolling Stock: BRAN 6297 (Double Stack Car) SWRU 946975 (Container) RBTU 530963 (Container) APHU 533010 (Container) Author:  Terrence Ellison Jr.
BRAN Stack Car 6297
Picture Categories: RollingStock,Action This picture is part of album:  Railroading in the South
User Comments
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Mike Berka General That Swift Intermodal container tells a story. Not only is it practically brand spanking new as for being built in July, but this is the first time that Swift Intermodal has CIMC building containers for them. When Swift first started purchasing these containers, which was in September 2005, Jindo and Singamas were the main manufacturing companies. Now, it looks like CIMC is getting in on it too. The bottom C H Robinson container 530963 is also fairly new, as for being built in June by Singamas. These 530000 series containers were first introduced in September 2011. 10/14/2012 5:24:48 PM

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