SLSF 2-8-8-2 #2007 - St Louis-San Francisco  Contributor's Pick!       
This 1910 Alco built Chesapeake-type articulated loco had small 57" drivers and could generate 200 psi for its 24.5"x30" high pressure cylinders followed by its 39"x30" low pressure cylinders. The engine weight was 418,000 lb and it could produce a very respectable 77,018 lb. The Firsco Shops then superheated the class in 1918. Finally retired in April of 1931. No photographer was listed.
Date: 10/27/1935 Location: Birmingham, AL Views: 1308 Collection Of:   Gary Everhart
Author:  Gary Everhart
SLSF 2-8-8-2 #2007 - St Louis-San Francisco
Picture Categories: Roster,Steam,Action This picture is part of album:  SLSF STEAM ALBUM (Frisco)
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