Stay Off The Trestle!
This sign is located on the east side of the trestle located just west of Fordson Junction. Even with the Ford Branch all but mothballed, the sign still is pertinent, for trestles are no places to play.
Saint Paul, MN
Collection Of:
Tony Held
Tony Held
Picture Categories:
This picture is part of album:
Around The Twin Cities: Vol. 2
User Comments
Robert Anderson
Your statement is true of course. They really didn't want kids playing there even in 1962,but we all did. None of us ever got hurt. The sight of 3 AS616's with racks of new Ford Galaxies was a draw. Another potential danger there was down in deepest part under trestle,was one of the biggest Hobo jungles in St.Paul. Comprehensive albums on Twin Cities. Cronicled for the future. Nothing stays the same. By the way in over 60 yrs around RR property,was only approached and ask to step away twice. Nice body of work. Thanks for sharing Tony.
4/22/2018 1:20:13 AM
Robert Anderson
Your statement is true of course. They really didn't want kids playing there even in 1962,but we all did. None of us ever got hurt. The sight of 3 AS616's with racks of new Ford Galaxies was a draw. Another potential danger there was down in deepest part under trestle,was one of the biggest Hobo jungles in St.Paul. Comprehensive albums on Twin Cities. Cronicled for the future. Nothing stays the same. By the way in over 60 yrs around RR property,was only approached and ask to step away twice. Nice body of work. Thanks for sharing Tony.
4/22/2018 1:20:25 AM
Robert Anderson
Your statement is true of course. They really didn't want kids playing there even in 1962,but we all did. None of us ever got hurt. The sight of 3 AS616's with racks of new Ford Galaxies was a draw. Another potential danger there was down in deepest part under trestle,was one of the biggest Hobo jungles in St.Paul. Comprehensive albums on Twin Cities. Cronicled for the future. Nothing stays the same. By the way in over 60 yrs around RR property,was only approached and ask to step away twice. Nice body of work. Thanks for sharing Tony.
4/22/2018 1:22:33 AM
Robert Anderson
Oops. Hit the button too many times.Sorry.
4/22/2018 1:24:13 AM
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