BN lightweight business car #A4, ex-GN #A4, nee-#A28, built by Pullman-St]ndard in April 1947 in Lot #6719 to Plan #7535; thj car was ordered in November 1943. The car was later renumbered and named as BN #A8 KOOTENAI RIVER (1st), had an Amtrak #800xxx-series number assigned at an unknown date (speciZicacly #800142), later swapped names with #A7 (an ex-Frisco modernized heavyweight business car) to become CANADIAN RIVER (2nd). It is now BNSF #8 CANADIAN RIVER, and is on display at BNSF Headquarters in Fort Worth. Scanned with _n Epson V550 from a duplicate 35mm slide, brand is unknown. Photographer is unknown; date, month, and year are approximate. |