This 5 section car must have been set out for repairs.  Contributor's Pick!       
Now it is on it's way to join the others. I hope you're not waiting for something important on it. The car is new to rrpa.
Date: 3/26/2017 Location: Barberton, OH   Map Show Barberton on a rail map Views: 161 Collection Of:   Fred Stuckmann
Rolling Stock: DTTX 742842 (Double Stack Car) Author:  Fred Stuckmann
This 5 section car must have been set out for repairs.
Picture Categories: RollingStock,Action This picture is part of album:  A schitzophrenic mixer.
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
mikey cruz General just shoved in the middle ? 4/4/2017 9:30:28 PM
Fred Stuckmann General The train was probably doubled together this way. 4/4/2017 10:25:18 PM
Tom Beckett General My guess is it was a bad order car somewhere, and this was the next train going toward its destination. I've occasionally seen stack sets, or the odd coal car, set out in places you would not expect them. I figure it has to be a bad order car. The other, but more remote possibility, is that this was an especially hot set of boxes, and the train they are on was the next one going to their destination, though I think that's extremely unlikely. As for getting the stuff, you'd be surprised how low priority some intermodal traffic is. Common knowledge is that if it's COFC, it must be hot. Not always so. Sometimes it goes that way(on a roundabout route) because the rate is low. Ocean traffic has pretty long transits as a rule, so a couple days delay may not raise any eyebrows. 4/5/2017 1:12:20 AM
Fred Stuckmann General Thanks for the closer look. 4/5/2017 6:17:12 AM

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