Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Class LO-2B 87506 at Cicero, Illinois on an unknown day in March 1981, Kodachrome by Chuck Zeiler. The following is from Burlington Route Historical Society's Bulletin 20, COVERED HOPPERS, edited by Hol Wagner: Class LO-2B joined the roster in August 1960 in the form of 60 more of the little 2,600 cubic-foot Airslides: Q 87500 - 87549 and C&S 800 -809. All vere virtual duplicates of the 1959 ( Class LO-2A ) cars, right down to their No. 86B trucks. A sizeable number of both the Q and C&S cars were used to transport bulk sugar from beet sugar plants in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana to packaging facilities in other parts of the country, such as Great Western Sugar's Congress Park, Illinois plant. |