A CN local approaches S. Perkins St. while headed northeast and preparing to stop at the former C&NW yard at Appleton Junction, WI on 23 Dec. '18. I can't read the sign for the current occupant, but the building at right was home to All About Packaging, Inc., Warehouse #2, 1325 S. Perkins St., in the Southwest Industrial Park, Appleton, WI, not too long ago. There is a spur along the south side of the building, but the turnout for the spur was removed years ago. The oldest part of the building was completed in Mar. '60, the new facility for the Fox Valley Sheltered Workshop. Inc. (started in '55 to create employment opportunities for the disabled). It became Valley Packaging Industries Inc. ca. mid- or late-'80s. After they moved to a new facility, this one has been home to Valley Planing Mill, Inc., followed by Perfect Patterns, Inc. The All About Packaging, Inc., main facility is a couple of blocks away at 2200 W. Everett St. Founded at Appleton, WI in '96, they specialize in thermoformed packaging. The Mountable Raised Curb System with Vertical Panels (one variant of Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) approved traffic channelization devices) was installed circa May of this year as part of Appleton's quest for so-called 'Quiet Zone' status. |