The Union Pacific designed 4-6-6-4 Challenger was embraced by the Delaware & Hudson after the delivery of the first group from Also-Schenectady in 1940. Unfortunately, this was near the end of the steam era. These beautiful and powerful articulated locos barely served the DH before heading to the scrapper's torch. The entire J-95 class of 40 locos was scrapped in ten months between October of 1952 to August of 1953, barely after 7 to 13 years of service for the class members. None survived. This photo appears to be a railman trip possibly signaling the loco's eminent demise. Tom Beckett (see comment below) has added a lot of interesting details about this locaiton. Loco specs - serial #69299, class J-95, four 20.5x32" cylinders, 69" drivers, and an impressive boiler pressure of 285 psi. It could generate a tractive effort of 94,000 lb. George Hamcke photo |