Here is page 11 of an 11-page article by Bert Pennypacker entitled "All About America's Largest Locomotive Fleet." It was published originally in the April 1964 issue of "Trains" magazine, page 48. Photo Caption: "Piggyback ~ the only tonnage allowed on these premises ~ rolls through Pennsy's passenger station in Newark, N.J., behind GE rectifier electrics 4408 and 4422. Addition of these C-C hoods to the roster has allowed retirement of aging P-5 2-C-2's." Photo by James C. Smith. Shown here (R to L) are Pennsylvania Railroad engines #4408 and #4422. Both are E-44's built by General Electric and rated at 4,400 horsepower each. #4408 was constructed in March of 1961, while #4422 was built in October of the same year. |